Welcome to the Griffin Archive. This website details the lineage of an American family's genealogy from the present day back over a thousand years!


I have been able to document unbroken lineage back to
Euddolen ab Afallach in the year 35 BC through the Griffin line. That's over 2000 years of parent to child relationships. I've also traced back to 1346 to Heindrick Schenck Van Nydeck, Lord of Afferton and Walbeck of the Netherlands and earlier to Edgar Schenck, born in 830 A.D. I also have traced an unbroken lineage back to about 370 AD - past Karl der GroBe (b. 748) AKA Charlemange (Charles I). There is also direct lineage back to Francis Rombouts - the 12th Mayor of New York City. It will take some time to get all the pages loaded






Copyright © 2008-2024, William Griffin